Cédric Dhénin from TV4IT has an interview of me talking about TDD (in French). Continue reading
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Cédric Dhénin from TV4IT has an interview of me talking about TDD (in French). Continue reading
With Pipes, I think Yahoo! has a really interesting and powerful solution. Yesterday, I did a quick demo to my colleagues during an internal Lightning Talks session showing how they could tune their blog feeds in order to integrate better in our corporate planet blog (still under development).
Those of you who came to CITCON London 2006 might remember the talk by Jeffrey of the same name (I have a couple of notes from back then, also see the entry for Agile 2007 conference and comments on Alistair Cockburn’s idea — Jeffrey & Alistair collaborated on that talk). This was also discussed at CITCON Brussels last year on a session arranged by Douglas Squirrel: Karma for Continuous Integration.
French developers seem to have adopted Hudson enthusiastically. A new article on Hudson by my colleague Romain Linsolas has been published on the influential developpez.com community.
Another successful night with Paris JUG on Concurrency & Performances. For once, we had a guest star: Kirk Pepperdine, a seasoned practitioner of projects with performances issues (he worked on Cray machines, yes sir!). He managed to attract the largest crowd yet for Paris JUG: more than 80!
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The JavaPosse podcast #178 mentions that Hudson has reached version 1.200 in 2 years and a half. The hosts made jokes on the number of releases… well, by the time they aired on April 8th, Hudson had actually reached 1.205. And by the time I listened to the podcast on April 10th, we had reached 1.206. So there! ;-)
The North-American edition of CITCON, the conference on Continuous Integration and Testing is over. Check out the session notes on the conference wiki.
Spring provides useful types for creating lists of values. However, it is not as good for merging lists. Here is an option.
XP Day Paris 2008 (warning: as of March 22nd, the site still states the wrong date) was planned for May 12 & 13, but the organizers had to advance it by a week to May 5 & 6. It sounds unlikely, but I got the news (twice) directly from the source.
The Conference on Continuous Integration & Testing is taking place this year in Denver (April 4 & 5), Melbourne (June 27 & 28) and Amsterdam (October 3 & 4).
At AgileOpen, A session I suggested was particularly lively: Should Agilists Regroup?
A couple of weeks ago, I had listened to the Naked Agilists podcast, where Brian Marick had expressed his view that the Agile population had been diluted in the Conservative group of the IT world.
My goal in this discussion was to see if this vision was shared by others, and if yes, what can be done about it.
Everybody seems to agree that GWT is great. However, one point that has long been considered a problem is its lack of compatibility with JDK 1.5 (though many people did not really understand that GWT actually still works fine in many cases).
Anyway, I just heard from the JavaPosse Boys that GWT 1.5 beta has finally been released, and is now compatible with JDK 1.5! Rejoice! If you are starting a project with GWT, this is a great time to deploy the beta version (otherwise, you might want to wait for a more stable version).
With its second installment yesterday evening, Paris JUG is confirmed as the de facto meeting place for Java enthusiasts in Paris.
I like FitLibrary and I like Fitnesse. However, there is really one thing to keep in mind when migrating from plain old ActionFixtures under Fitnesse to DoFixtures.