CITCON Denver is over, all hail CITCON Melbourne

The North-American edition of CITCON, the conference on Continuous Integration and Testing is over. Check out the session notes on the conference wiki.

As an testament to the popularity of Hudson, a completely unreliable poll showed than it had about as many users as Plain Ol’ CruiseControl had a bit less than twice as many. That roughly similar to what we got during CITCON Brussels last year — one difference, though, is that I had brought a few colleagues along who were already using Hudson. So I guess it means that Hudson is going stronger. I hope we’ll run the poll on each edition so that we’ll have a rough idea of the evolution of the popularities!

The next edition will be in Melbourne in June. Then we’ll have Amsterdam in October. Both are open to registrations!

Oh, and we already know where CITCON North-America will take place in 2009: Minneapolis. Who said that Agilists cannot plan ahead?

About Eric Lefevre-Ardant

Independent technical consultant.
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