XP Day Paris rescheduled to May 5 & 6

XP Day Paris 2008 (warning: as of March 22nd, the site still states the wrong date) was planned for May 12 & 13, but the organizers had to advance it by a week to May 5 & 6. It sounds unlikely, but I got the news (twice) directly from the source.

I won’t be able to make it, as I am on holiday abroad, with booked airline tickets.

This a disappointment, as I was planning to host two presentations, one on Continuous Integration (with a presentation of Hudson) and one Lightning Talks session — they had already been approved. There were also a number of people I was hoping to meet. How very frustrating!
As my colleague David won’t be able to make it either, we are freeing 4-5 slots between the two of us. Interestingly, a number of colleagues stepped up to host the same, or new, sessions. Which makes one wonder where they were on the initial call for sessions!

If this event helps some new people to come up to the stage, then there will have been some good in it.

See you next year, guys.

About Eric Lefevre-Ardant

Independent technical consultant.
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