Subversive likely to become the official Subversion plugin for Eclipse

In a previous post, I mentioned the competition between Subclipse and Subversive, two Eclipse plugins that provide integration with Subversion, a Source Code Management system, to become the official Subversion plugin under Eclipse.

I’m a bit late on this, but my understanding is that Subversive won. Their page on shows that they have been accepted as an Eclipse project, while the page for Subclipse says that it has been withdrawn (in April this year).

This comes as a surprise. Subclipse, long the de facto standard for Eclipse-Subversion integration, not retained as the default implementation?! Only a couple of months ago, Valtech Training France chose Subclipse without much hesitating for a training on Build Process (which I teach occasionally).

Apparently, the reason is that the Subclipse team withdrawn their proposal for their own reasons. They essentially argue that they can do a better job by staying outside the Eclipse project.

Maybe, but let’s be honest: if Eclipse comes with SVN support built-in, would you go look for another plugin? Well, me neither, just like I never looked for a replacement for the provided CVS plugin.

The official Subversive-Eclipse integration is still incubating so there is still much to do. I’m hoping it will be part of the next major release of Eclipse (next year?).

See another comment on the Subversive/Subclipse story

About Eric Lefevre-Ardant

Independent technical consultant.
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3 Responses to Subversive likely to become the official Subversion plugin for Eclipse

  1. Guillaume Tardif says:

    Ah, interesting! Well, whoever wins, I’m just waiting for a standard plugin bundled with Eclipse.
    Just to avoid the usual “ah it doesn’t work, but which plugin have you installed?”
    or “before anything else you need to install an additional plugin…”.
    The 2 plugins are not that different anyway, I think we can live with any of them.

  2. Jeff MAURY says:

    Maybe Subversive is the official Eclipse plugin but some other plugins (like m2eclipse) provide Team integration inside Eclipse with SVN through Subclipse and not Subversive !!!!

  3. Eric Lefevre says:

    Hi Jeff, this is an interesting comment.
    It is true that there is a direct integration between m2eclipse and SubClipse. However, there also seems to be a (separate) integration between m2eclipse and SubClipse.

    Not sure about Q4E. I think both SubClipse and Subversive are optional.

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