[Agile 2009] Continuous Integration

This year, just like last year, Continuous Integration is proving to be a popular topic at Agile 2009.

Phew! That’s quite a mouthful. Interestingly, there are many more talks listed here than I managed to get last year (and there are half as many talks this year). One reason could be that I was much more thourough this year, reviewing most of the sessions details — last year, I simply searched for keywords in the submission system.

To be honest, seeing as many sessions related to CI is rather a disappointment. I mean, CI is not a difficult practice, and you would think that many participants to Agile 2009 would be familiar with me. Plus, most sessions are introductions rather than advanced talks.

I guess I will content myself with Tom Sulston’s sessions (“Cage Fight” & “How to be awesome”).

About Eric Lefevre-Ardant

Independent technical consultant.
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