These salesguys will drive me crazy

I don’t understand. This morning, I sent an unreviewed version of a document to one of the salesguys, specifying that I still needed a couple of hours to go over it again. As I explained in my email, I wanted him to read it as well, in case some things were obviously wrong.

After correcting a few typos and the like, and not getting any response from him (not even a thank you email), I sent the final version of the document.
Guess what? He had already sent it to the customer. And, considering the errors that I found while checking it, he had not even looked at it.

Am I being too much of a perfectionist? I’m more inclined to think that he simply does not care as much about the quality of something, since he had delegated it to someone else.


About Eric Lefevre-Ardant

Independent technical consultant.
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