I will be quite busy in 2009 with conferences.
Coming up is XP Day Paris, May 25th & 26th (next week!). No less than 3 sessions will be presented by yours truly:
Introduction to Retrospectives, with Laurent Bossavit
- TDD Explained to Managers, with Stephane Labati, a former colleague from Valtech
- Is Scrum Evil? a workshop with Guillaume Tardif — the session I’m most excited about!
I will be at the dinner on Monday evening as well; feel free to come and talk.
In August, I will be at Agile 2009 Conference in Chicago. This time, I will host a Coding Dojo on Legacy Code, with my partner in crime Guillaume.
Unfortunately, Is Scrum Evil?, a session I had proposed with Jeffrey Fredrick, has not been accepted. Fear not! We will be back with a revenge during the Open Jam part of the conference. I have hope many big names of the Agile world will join us. Promising session, trust me.
Next, September 18th will see CITCON Paris. This conference is dear to me — I have participated to all previous European CITCON events, and I am sure this will be one to remember. 3 months to go and the list of registrants is already closed!
As you may know, this is an Open Space event, so sessions are not known in advance and will be discovered during the opening session. Sounds scary? Wait until you suggest a session! ;-)
Other events of note this year will surely be Valtech Days 2009 and Devoxx. I have helped organize Valtech Days in 2007 and 2008; having left the company, it will not be the case this year, but, who knowns? I might still get to host a session.
As for Devoxx, I have never participated so far, but I heard so many good things that I really want to make the trip this year. We’ll see.
Well, this will be a busy year. Hopefully, I will have a few vacation days for non-techie stuff as well!