I’d like to have many visitors. But compared to some blogs I follow, I still have work to do. Here are some information, according to Google Analytics.
- Compared to Claude Aubry, who writes in French about Scrum, I now reach 1,500 unique visitors per month, while he has twice that many.
- Julian Simpson’s Build Doctor on Continuous Integration, seems to average 100 visitors per day (it’s difficult to tell on the graph), I think I’m around 50 per day. Missed again!
My wife does not like it when I compare myself to others. Me, I feel it is stimulating. This makes me want to write more.
Other trivia:
- my most popular post ever is the one about Gienah; strangely, it is also the most popular one in the past 3 months, although it is 18 months old
- next, with almost the same number of visitors, a post about a classic error message in Maven and one about download stats for CC and Hudson, which has been referred to by quite a few sites, including dzone.com
- Firefox is by far the most popular browser, with more than two thirds of visitors
- Almost 80% of people use Windows (I was hoping Linux and MacOS would do better, but they got less than 10% each)
- the vast majority of people find my pages through Google; other sources are dzone, Blog Valtech, FeedBurner (possibly because of syndication), NetVibes (I guess some people have added my blog to their home page) and The Build Doctor.
- the two most popular region of origins are the USA and France (half of the traffic in total). I am rather happy with that, as I do write in English to be heard outside France.
Anyway, my biggest satisfaction is that traffic has been consistently rising from the beginning. It does take time, but who wouldn’t do that for fame, money and women! ;-)
One thing I have done recently is add FeedBurner analysis. It does not show much for the moment; I’ll guess I’ll get data next year. The other thing I did is syndicate my blog under Planet Valtech and CITCON Blogs. That will probably make a difference in the medium term.
Thank you for the complementary links.
That the best way to increase the traffic on the other’s blogs (This could demonstrate that you are not so jealous).
I think your wife is true, you should not compare your audience with the others’.
I understand that it is important to check that one has read a particular post, but the I do think that the best reward you can get writing a weblog is a comment saying “thank you, that helps”.
Keep on bloggin’ !
Thanks too for the link, Eric. Didn’t want to frustrate anybody when I published my traffic. Quickly building traffic to a blog seems like a full-time occupation. My own traffic very slowly ramped up. Apart from a few posts that will get linked to from social bookmarking, my traffic comes in a steady stream of Google searches for things like Ant and CruiseControl. Seems like it’s a long game!